All posts by med_admin

Understanding Different MMJ Strains

There are more than 800 medical marijuana (MMJ) varieties each boasting different effects, flavors and medical uses. How is one to know what is best for them? For many patients, MMJ is their first time using cannabis. For others it may have been many years ago, or more recently, that they have used it for recreational purposes. In either case, recreational marijuana knowledge doesn’t necessarily translate into medical marijuana. And, today’s marijuana is very different than it once was. Your best option is to work with a physician and grower who understands what strain or hybrid best matches your specific […]

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Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid when Applying for MMJ Card in Colorado

There are many reasons a person may be rejected for a medical marijuana card. Many of them are avoidable. Below is a list of the most common mistakes that can lead to rejection of a MMJ application. Avoid them and you will improve your chance for approval. 1. First foremost, make sure that ALL the required paperwork is submitted along with the non-refundable application fee. Make sure you send in the application form, a physician certification, Colorado driver’s license or official photo ID. You may also include a proof of identity and residency waiver form if need be. If you […]

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How Do I get my Colorado Medical Marijuana Card?

The state of Colorado has set out a very specific application process and criteria for registering for a medical marijuana card. This has been done to ensure that only those who qualify for MMJ receive cards. The process falls under the auspices of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. It takes between four and six weeks to complete the process once the application has been submitted, so you will want to take that time frame into consideration for your medical planning needs. In order to apply for a medical marijuana registration card you must follow several steps. First, […]

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Medical Marijuana and Cancer

There are many well-meaning people out there who don’t understand the true medicinal value of marijuana and dealing with the unpleasant side effects of cancer treatments. They are dubious at best and think it is just an excuse to get high. Helping to muddy the waters are the many claims floating around about how medical marijuana can help fight cancer. While the studies so far have shown that cannabinoids can be safe in reducing cancer treatment side effects, they do not show that they help control or cure the disease. Medical Marijuana is not a new thing. There is historical […]

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Will Medical Marijuana Users Drop with Broader Legalization?

Now that it is legal for adults 21 years and older to buy and possess marijuana, it begs the question “Will medical marijuana users simply drop their cards and switch to recreational marijuana?” That has not happened yet, according to a Denver Post Q&A. But it is probably too early to tell what the long-term impact will be. We do know that the number of registered marijuana users increased since marijuana was legalized for everyone over 21 in Colorado. According the state, there were 116,287 listed on the medical marijuana registry as of September 2014, up from 107,666 in September […]

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All the Benefits, None of the High

We are just beginning to unlock proven and safe uses of marijuana for sustained treatment purposes. Many people currently use legal marijuana for its anti-inflammatory, anti-pain, anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic, and anti-spasm effects. The trouble is that much of the positive effects of marijuana come with an unwanted high. Science and the medical marijuana industry are starting to make headway into finding ways for patients to benefit from the good qualities of marijuana without the negative ones. This is especially important when you look at helping people cope with daily lives like holding down a job and still utilizing medical marijuana. It […]

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Study Shows Opioid Mortality Rates Drop in MMJ States

Chronic pain is a strong indication for medical cannabis and represents a significant reason patients seek out doctors in Colorado Springs who prescribe medical marijuana. As rates of people suffering from chronic pain continue to grow in the United States, so does the reliance on prescriptions to treat the symptoms. The number of patients suffering from non-cancer pain receiving prescription opioids has nearly doubled since 2004. Simultaneously, there has been a dramatic rise in the rate of opioid abuse and overdose deaths. Could medical marijuana help reduce opioid mortality? A recent study, published in the JAMA Internal Medicine Online, Aug. […]

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Marijuana and The Work Place

When medical marijuana first became legal in Colorado in 2000, many people never imagined it becoming as big as it has. Not only has medical marijuana laws become more finely tweaked but now recreational marijuana is legal across the state. Although the marijuana industry is growing there are now questions up in the air about how is it going to affect people’s employment and life in the work place. There are currently no laws against employers not hiring you or firing you if you can’t pass a marijuana drug test. This means that people using medical marijuana or even recreational […]

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What have we learned about Medical Marijuana in Years of Research:

There will always be a debate among pro medical marijuana professionals and ones that are against the use for patients to use medical marijuana for treatment. At the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute, a group of researchers surveyed patients that unfortunately attained traumatic brain injuries accrued by various circumstances. They had found that the patients that tested for THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, had a higher chance of survival, than those who tested negative. The American Surgeon, had advocated that THC may help protect the brain of patients that have sustained traumatic brain injuries. The study included 446 patients […]

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Child’s Condition Greatly Improves Thanks to Colorado’s MMJ Program

“She didn’t have any quality of life last year. Her life is better because we added cannabis” says the parent of three year old Vivian who suffers from Dravet syndrome, a form of epilepsy. The Wilson family is another success story of a family that had left their home state to seek out the benefits of medical marijuana available in Colorado. Vivian, at just three years old, suffered from daily seizures due to Dravet syndrome which could be triggered by elements as simple as exposure to sunlight. Leaving their home in New Jersey they traveled to Colorado upon hearing about […]

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