MMJ Evaluation Instructions

Medical Marijuana Registry Information

State Website:

After your visit with the provider:

Follow these steps to complete the online STATE application process:

  1. Click HERE if you are a NEW patient for steps on how to create your account and register with the Medical Marijuana Registry
  2. Click HERE if you are RENEWING you card for steps on how to start the renewal application.
  3. Click HERE for steps on how to attach your provider certification to your application
  4. Click HERE for steps on how to set the Cultivation information (or in other word, specify how you will obtain your medicine – for example, from a dispensary or home grown, etc)
  5. Click HERE for steps on how to pay the state application fee $30.93
  6. At this point, your application status should say “Pending Staff Review”
  7. It takes the state 1 – 3 business days to process applications and once you are approved you will receive an email from them. When you are approved your status will say “Active”. You can now print your mmj card and purchase medicine.

Having issues with your account?

  1. Click HERE to recover your username and/or reset your password
  2. Click HERE to if your status says Awaiting Correction
  3. Click HERE to request access to your online patient registration account

Contact information for the State Medical Marijuana Registry


Normal hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246