Frequently Asked Questions

MMJ Evaluation FAQs in Colorado Springs

We try to anticipate questions you might have about getting your medical marijuana license and provide the answers here. If you need additional information please call us at (719) 246-0393 so you are most prepared for your MMJ card evaluations in Colorado Springs or Pueblo.

How to get a Medical Marijuana License in Colorado (also known as “red card,” although the cards are no longer red)?
It’s easy here at Medical Alternatives Clinic. We help you every way possible.

1. Call now (719) 246-0393 or request an online appointment.

2. We assist you with the state application.

3. One of our doctors performs an MMJ evaluation.

4. Get your application finished here in our office. If doing mail-in, we will even provide with an addressed envelope for you to take to the Post Office for mailing. You will need to send the envelope via certified mail, return receipt requested. This is your proof that you have mailed your application and notifies you when it is received.

5. Send application and other state required documentation such as a copy of your Colorado Driver License or I.D. along with the fee charged by the State (currently $25.00). $26.33 if doing the application online via the state website.

What documentation does the state require?
The State requires proof of Colorado residency. All you need is a Colorado state issued I.D. or Driver’s License.

What is the Doctor Exam Fee?
We consistently charge the lowest fee possible for a Doctor MMJ exam. Please call us at (719) 246-0393 or visit our website or Facebook online scheduling calendar for exam fees.

What is the State License Fee?
The State fee is $29.50, payable by money order or personal check if mailing the application through the Post Office. $30.93 if doing the application online via the state website.

What do I need if I am a renewal patient?
You must have a current Colorado driver license or state issued I.D. to renew your Medical Marijuana License.

What if I live out of state?
Colorado State law requires proof of residency to acquire a Medical Marijuana License. You may still purchase recreational marijuana, but you are prohibited from taking ANY marijuana (medical or recreational) across state borders.

How long is my MMJ card valid?
1 year from the date the state issued license is issued.

How can I get more information from the state regarding Medical Marijuana licensing?
Please visit the Colorado State website:

How old do I have to be to qualify for a license?
You must be 18 or older and have a qualifying medical condition. The state website, listed above, displays the qualifying conditions.

What if I have a child under the age of 18 who needs a Medical Marijuana License?
This situation requires 2 different medical marijuana physician’s evaluation and agreement. Please see the state website or call us at (719) 246-0393. Medical records are mandatory.

Do I need to bring medical records proving my qualification for a license to my appointment?
Bringing medical records (not bills) is encouraged.

How do I register online to apply for a Medical Marijuana Card?
How to register online


For any other questions not answered in our FAQs, please text or call us at (719) 246-0393

Contact Us Today if You Have More MMJ Card Renewal Questions