All posts tagged: Medical Marijuana Evaluations

Marijuana Delivery? What Two Colorado Cities Are Considering In 2021

Views may be changing regarding marijuana delivery. Colorado’s largest city and third largest city are now officially considering adding new legislation that will allow recreational marijuana to be delivered to consumers. With these new laws, residents of Denver and Aurora may soon gain access to recreational marijuana with just a few clicks or taps on their smartphone. This news is especially relevant now, as many recreational marijuana users struggle with accessing their products as a result of the pandemic. Aurora Tentatively Says Yes The Aurora City Council gave preliminary approval by an 8-2 vote to marijuana delivery in Colorado’s third-largest […]

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Is Medical Marijuana Safe?

In 1930 Marijuana was made illegal in United States but now it has returned to its rightful status and used as a legal herbal treatment for various ailments like headaches, gastrointestinal disorders, and insomnia to name a few. Many countries and states within USA have chosen to allow the usage of medical marijuana for those patients who find relief while using it. When compared to alcohol and tobacco, Marijuana is recreational drug used as safe and effective herbal treatment as it is officially recognized as a safe medication (if taken in moderate quantity). Marijuana consists of 300 different compounds, among […]

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