Posts archive for 2015

Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid when Applying for MMJ Card in Colorado

There are many reasons a person may be rejected for a medical marijuana card. Many of them are avoidable. Below is a list of the most common mistakes that can lead to rejection of a MMJ application. Avoid them and you will improve your chance for approval. 1. First foremost, make sure that ALL the required paperwork is submitted along with the non-refundable application fee. Make sure you send in the application form, a physician certification, Colorado driver’s license or official photo ID. You may also include a proof of identity and residency waiver form if need be. If you […]

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How Do I get my Colorado Medical Marijuana Card?

The state of Colorado has set out a very specific application process and criteria for registering for a medical marijuana card. This has been done to ensure that only those who qualify for MMJ receive cards. The process falls under the auspices of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. It takes between four and six weeks to complete the process once the application has been submitted, so you will want to take that time frame into consideration for your medical planning needs. In order to apply for a medical marijuana registration card you must follow several steps. First, […]

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