All posts by med_admin

Changing Laws May Have Major Impact on Medical Marijuana Patients

With medical marijuana gaining in popularity across the U.S. and several marijuana initiatives passing in 2016, the marijuana industry is expected to continue to grow in 2017. Colorado State Senate Bill 14, which passed in May of 2015 and became effective on January 1, 2017, limits medical marijuana caregivers to only grow a total of 99 plants for a maximum of five patients. This measure is cause for concern for some. Roger Martin, Founder of Grow for Vets USA stated that Senate Bill 14 will force medical marijuana patients to purchase their medical cannabis from the retail market, so that […]

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Five Marijuana Industry Predictions for 2017

The 2016 elections green-lighted marijuana initiatives in states across the nation. With the added exposure, business legitimacy, and medical research associated with the marijuana industry, predictions for what the industry will bring in 2017 are plentiful. Here are five common themes that stand out amongst predictions from multiple sources. Industry Maturation and Professionalism. With more than half of the states in the union legalizing marijuana, regulatory adoption, business practices, financing, and market logistics will continue to grow in sophistication. With bipartisan support during 2016, and a greater exposure to legal pot throughout the country, the product has never been more […]

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Medical Marijuana for Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy, also known as radiation oncology, is the use of targeted high energy radiation to kill cancer cells. Approximately half of all cancer patients receive some type of radiation therapy during the course of their treatment. It is often used in conjunction with chemotherapy to help eradicate cancer cells present in the body, and may be administered prior to or after surgery, or as a standalone modality. Radiation therapy damages cancer cells by destroying the genetic material that controls how these cells grow and divide. Unfortunately, good, healthy cells are often destroyed in the process. Cannabinoids (the active chemicals […]

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Tips for Choosing the Right Medical Marijuana Dispensary

You are armed with a medical marijuana card in a state where it is legal to sell the plant for consumption. Yet, with the number of medical marijuana dispensaries competing with the number of coffee shops, knowing which dispensary to frequent can be a challenge. Here are some selection criteria to consider when you are in the market for a medical marijuana dispensary. Health and Safety The first thing to look for when considering a dispensary is the cleanliness of the store. The dispensary should be compliant with all health and safety regulations. The store should be as clean as […]

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States that Legalized Recreational Marijuana in 2016 Elections

Medical marijuana is coming on strong in the U.S. Nearly half of America has already legalized marijuana in some form. On November 8, 2016, another four states voted in favor of outright marijuana legalization: California, Nevada, Maine, and Massachusetts all voted in favor of legalized use, sale, and consumption of recreational marijuana. In California voters chose to legalize the recreational use, possession, cultivation, and sale of marijuana, with legalization limited to people over age 21. California, the world’s sixth largest economy, joins Oregon and Washington to make the entire west coast of the U.S. a haven for marijuana users. The […]

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Cannabigerol (CBG) A Cannabinoid That Should Not Be Overlooked

There are many active and inactive compounds (well over 100) in the cannabis plant, which hold great promise for successfully treating a plethora of medical complaints. Understanding what these compounds are can help assure their use in helping you or a loved one suffering from pain or illness. When it comes to cannabinoids, there’s one of which you may not have heard. This article will focus on that lesser known cannabinoid, Cannabigerol (CBG). Although tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are probably the most well-known cannabinoids, CBG is receiving increased national and international attention in the medical marijuana world, and for […]

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Epidiolex Could be First FDA Approved Cannabis Treatment for Epilepsy

The pediatric epileptic population numbers in the thousands in the U.S. and in the hundreds of thousands in the U.K. With such a large number of children affected by this debilitating condition, there is an understandably vocal – and growing – group of parents clamoring for governmental approval of affordable alternative treatment methods. As of this writing, the Drug Enforcement Agency continues to be reluctant to legalize marijuana for recreational use, therefore many parents are forced to buy cannabis from black market dealers or move their families to another state in order to obtain treatment that actually helps reduce epileptic […]

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MMJ Licenses and Gun Licenses Don’t Mix in Ninth Circuit

Just because a half of the states in the union allow the sale of medical marijuana to holders of an MMJ card, doesn’t make it legal. In fact, under federal law, marijuana use is still illegal. However, the administration seems to have let this oversight go pretty much untouched, and there aren’t federal agents trolling the cities looking for pot smokers to put away. Yet, when the issue of another federal law gets thrown in the mix, a legal quagmire erupts. According to the federal government, the right to own a gun and possess an MMJ card are mutually exclusive. […]

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Surprising Facts and Interesting Tidbits About Marijuana

Marijuana has been around for thousands of years. Rather than dispute the pros and cons of recreational and medicinal use of marijuana, enjoy these ten strange, fun, and interesting facts about this controversial plant from Medical Alternatives Clinics. A Chinese treatise on pharmacology attributed to the Emperor Shen Nung and alleged to date from 2737 B.C. likely contains the earliest reference to cannabis and its potential as a medicine. Humulus (hops found in beer) and cannabis (marijuana) are in the same small family of flowering plants classified as Cannabaceae, making beer and pot relatives. In 1975, the Alaska Supreme Court […]

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MMJ Q&A Forum on HelloMD

The online telehealth service, HelloMD, is specifically aimed at those who need or are curious about medical marijuana. A sort of WebMD for medical marijuana, the site has gained a strong following providing solid information and services to its members seeking guidance and direction on the medical benefits of cannabis. It also doubles as a digital doctor’s office providing MMJ recommendations and referrals. The site was launched to as an alternative to traditional medical resources that aren’t providing the information, services, and answers about medical marijuana that many want and need to know. In addition to providing access to medical […]

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