4 Benefits of Telemedicine for Medical Marijuana

With people unable to go out due to stay-at-home orders, telemedicine and telehealth visits have skyrocketed in popularity recently. When you read about the following benefits of telemedicine for medical marijuana, you will understand why.


Not only do telehealth visits reduce exposure to illnesses, they flat out eliminate it. Think of it a house call, without needing to meet with anyone physically. A medical marijuana telehealth visit is usually done through a secure live video meeting. You can be within the safety, privacy, and comfort of your home and speak with a licensed medical professional.


Telemedicine makes doctor’s visits easy. You can be anywhere, even in the most geographically remote regions of the country, and still be able to have a telehealth visit. As long as you have an internet connection, you can benefit from telemedicine for medical marijuana.


You probably don’t enjoy taking the time to physically get down to a doctor’s office and wait until it’s your turn. With telemedicine, you no longer have to wait for your turn and take time off to get down to see a doctor. You can get a medical marijuana card online using a scheduling app or online calendar so that you get rid of the need to wait.

Less Stressful

Nobody likes to get stressed out, so why create reasons to be stressed? Telehealth visits reduce the stress and anxiety of going to a doctor’s office, by being in the comfortable environment of your home. You will feel less intimidated and more relaxed, given the more casual nature of a telehealth visit. However, you will still receive a professional virtual “visit” from a qualified doctor who can help you obtain a medical marijuana card.

Get On Board the Telemedicine Trend

Obtaining a medical marijuana card no longer requires you to head down to a doctor’s office. With the COVID-19 pandemic making it difficult, or impossible, to do so, telemedicine has quickly risen as a safe and easy alternative. Gov. Polis’ executive order allowing for telemedicine visits for medical cannabis currently is set to expire May 30th, so take advantage of this new technological solution and book your online visit before it expires.

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