If you suffer from back pain, hip pain, or other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoporosis, cannabis infused topical creams and ointments can be lifesavers. Topicals are medicated with THC, CBD, and many other less known cannabinoids. They are used for localized relief of soreness, pain, and inflammation and commonly come in the form of lotions, balms, salves and oils. Topicals are often chosen by patients seeking the therapeutic benefits of marijuana without the high.
Recent studies have shown that cannabis has anti-cancer, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and immune-modulating properties. In other words, it can be effective for burns, rashes, skin infections, and other skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis. The leaves, resin glands, and buds are the parts of the plant most commonly used to make topical preparations.
Many people are skeptical about topicals and their effectiveness. However, you will find immediate relief when using cannabis-infused topicals. For example, infused oils are wonderful for increasing circulation and for relieving sore muscles. By using topicals, you will not risk experiencing the toxic side effects found when taking pain pills.
Topical products are revolutionising the way cannabis is perceived around the world. Strain-specific topicals harness individual cannabinoids and terpenes and a chemical profile similar to the strain the producer wants to imitate. Along with THC and CBD, producers may also select ingredients and essential oils for additional relief such as wintergreen, cayenne, and lavender. Cannabis infused topicals work by binding to a network of receptors found throughout the body called CB2. These receptors are activated by naturally occurring endocannabinoids or by cannabis compounds such as THC and CBD. However, even if a topical contains active THC, it still won’t activate the intense high you get from vaporizing, smoking or ingesting marijuana.
While topicals are most often chosen for general and localized pain relief, studies are beginning to be published showing a widening spectrum of potential benefits. The ingredients used and the way they were processed produces different types of benefits. The use of topicals is relatively harmless and doesn’t cause psychoactive side effects. Try a few different kinds to find the best one for you.