Being dependable medical marijuana doctors Colorado Springs residents can trust, we want to help you be aware of all the changes in our area of specialty.
As of August 1, there have been revisions to the current registry forms. But no fret, there’s a 90-day grace period for those who’ve used the old form(s) and are already in progress.
What’s changed? Three new additions created as Forms MMR1012 Caregiver Acknowledgement, MMR1013 Provider Information Update and MMR1014 Provider Signature Revocation.
What’s it all mean? Caregivers must now acknowledge their understanding of taking the responsibility of managing a patient’s care. A caregiver is characterized as someone who assists the patient such as providing transportation or with daily activities and may assist not more than five patients. The patient must submit this form with their application or complete a Change of Patient Record form.
Forms MMR1013 and MMR1014 are both to keep up-to-date information on the patients’ provider and the acknowledgement therefore.
Form MMR1009 is now irrelevant and has been removed as it was initiated to approve caregivers with more than five patients.
To note- the renewal process is the same as for new applicants. The Registry expects a high-volume of renewals from now until the end of the year- so you are encouraged to begin early- but not more than 60-days before expiring. If they receive your application more than that 60-day window- it’s rejected.
Colorado is one of 20- states whose citizens have voted to legalize the medical use of marijuana to help treat the pain associated with the effects of chemotherapy, HIV/ AIDS, glaucoma and other debilitating medical conditions. And, medical marijuana doctors Colorado Springs and many cities alike, depend on regulations that protects their patients and their practice.
Dr. Riemers is dedicated to making sure his patients know the latest for a seamless registration process.
For more information contact Medical Alternatives Clinics for dependable medical marijuana doctors Colorado Springs residents can rely on!
This information was made available by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment at .