Telemedicine and Virtual Visits Boost Access to MMJ Doctors

For patients who use medical marijuana to manage everything from nausea associated with chemotherapy treatments to epilepsy or multiple sclerosis, the current quarantine and social distancing rules may get in the way of receiving regular healthcare. Even without these unique situations, telehealth services and online visits provide access to mmj doctors with more comfort and convenience.

Benefits of Telemedicine for Cannabis Users

For people with conditions helped with medical marijuana, telemedicine services provide more than the convenience of taking time off work or battling traffic on the way to the doctor’s office. Patient undergoing chemotherapy, for example, may experience considerable pain and nausea. It is much more beneficial to their overall well-being to stay comfortably at home rather than heading out to the clinic for a simple checkup. People with severe epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, vision trouble due to glaucoma, and other issues may not have regular access to help or transportation. Telehealth negates all these difficulties that can seriously affect the ability to obtain cannabis recommendations and appropriate care on a regular basis. And virtual MMJ recommendations maintain continuity of care because patients never have to wait for an inconvenient in-person appointment.

Improved Access to Care

Recent events with Covid-19 and the associated shutdown of many services have pushed the need for telehealth into the forefront. Having essential cannabis recommendations and provider certificates renewed should not stop because of social distancing rules. Interruption in medical care or treatment can lead to worsening symptoms for the patient. Medical Alternatives Clinic has implemented telehealth systems to provide continuity of care even during these difficult times when medical centers and doctors’ offices have reduced schedules or no access for certain patients. And when a simple internet connection or just a smartphone is available, telehealth is an obvious choice.

People who already have medical conditions that may make them more susceptible to serious health problems and infection need the opportunity to see their MMJ doctors without increased risk of public offices. Medical Alternatives Clinic is offering telemedicine which in turn offers safety and peace of mind above all else.

If you are seeking an online medical marijuana evaluation to obtain an MMJ card give us a call at (719) 246-0393,  or simply book your online visit below:

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