DHS reports the Average Medical Marijuana User
With the recent legalization of marijuana it is becoming more and more obvious that the average marijuana smoker is not what we thought. Stereotypical stoners in America have always been seen as grungy, tired-eyed bums who have little to do but get high and have fun. Movies portray these stereotypes with humor and adventurous tendencies to find pot and snacks across the world.
Although these are iconic ideas of stoners and the average stoner was once a fun-loving free spirit with little to do but smoke and snack, it’s no longer 1970. It’s the 21st century and technology is just speeding up along with everything else. We are evolving, marijuana is evolving, and so is the average marijuana smoker. DHS in Arizona has released the 2014 reports on medical marijuana use and statistics on the average medical marijuana user during the year of 2014 and the facts may shock you. With no surprise, men between the ages of 18 and 30 make up 70 percent of Arizona’s medical marijuana card-holders. What is surprising, most of these individuals are using marijuana with the purpose of soothing chronic pain.
Another surprising fact, the other 30% of medical marijuana users is mostly females between the ages of 51 and 60 years of age. They also cite most common use for medical marijuana is chronic pain according to the 2014 medical marijuana reports. Who would have guessed? When is the favorite day to buy? Reports say that Fridays produce one-third of all sales for medical marijuana in the state of Arizona. This is definitely not the normal image we get when thinking of the average marijuana user, even medical marijuana. It will be interesting to see what is going to happen next!