Are you a service member? If you are a military member in Colorado, chances are you’ve been deployed. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, more than 450,000 Veterans received treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in fiscal year 2011. The 2008 RAND (Research and Development) , a non-profit org that assists the U.S. government with R&D studies to help improve policy, reported that nearly 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan War vets screened positive for PTSD.
Today, all over the country, campaigns to expand medical marijuana use to those veterans who’ve come home struggling with acclimating back into society because of PTSD symptoms- our dispensary Colorado Springs location included. There are polls of advocates and opponents of the effectiveness of its use.
PTSD may occur when an individual suffers a trauma, such as experiencing combat- the severity development depends on the severity of the trauma, i.e., injuries sustained, occurrence of death. As a service member suffering from its symptoms, PTSD may cause flashbacks from the trauma which could also have a negative impact on beliefs and feelings.
The CO Department of Public Health and Environment, Center for Health and Environmental Information and Statistics reports that since November 2000, more than 800 dispensary Colorado Springs physicians have prescribed medical marijuana to over one hundred thousand patients. Patients can have access to medical cannabis if they’ve been diagnosed with AIDS (HIV), asthma, epilepsy/seizures, migraines, and cancer- but lawmakers have kept PTSD off the list.
Medical marijuana is safe and effective. Medical Alternatives stand behind growing scientific evidence that supports its use as a medical alternative, especially for those who suffer from debilitating and chronic conditions.
This information was made available by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment at and the Veterans Administration at For more information contact Medical Alternatives Clinics for a quality dispensary Colorado Springs service.