Medical Marijuana Doctors in Colorado Springs

Medical Marijuana Doctors in Colorado Springs

Medical Marijuana Doctors in Colorado Springs

Looking for trustworthy medical marijuana doctors in Colorado Springs? Dr. Bruce Reimers, MD of Medical Alternatives Clinics is one of the most honorable doctors in town.

He has worked in the medical field for many years, receiving his undergraduate at the University of Iowa, School of Medicine and receiving a residency in Urology to become one of the most trusted doctors in Colorado Springs.

Dr. Reimers education in medicine and extensive work in Urology and Drug Rehabilitation has provided him with the background necessary to facilitate his current Medical Alternatives Clinic. Working in the medical field for many years has enabled Dr. Bruce Reimers’ to realize the value that cannabis has to the health of individuals who have not found relief primarily in issues associated with pain. Being a medical marijuana doctor in Colorado Springs, Dr. Reimers provides services that are in your budget. He makes sure that the services he provides his customers with match the prices!

Contact our Colorado Springs Medical Marijuana Doctors for More Information

The best medical marijuana doctors in Colorado Springs want to make sure that you get the right treatment. If your diagnosis or condition is not on the list it doesn’t automatically disqualify you. Make an appointment with one of our medical marijuana doctors and they will let you know after talking with you and examining your situation so see whether you qualify. If you don’t qualify there is no charge.

We are conveniently located in Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Call Medical Alternatives Clinics today to schedule your appointment!

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